Follow the Moon Forecast

Moon in Leo
December 30—Disseminating Moon: Fruiting

Two things happen around the turning of the new year that support us in our own turnings. Today, Jupiter stations direct. And on the first of January, Mercury stations direct. These two planets which govern optimism, truth, intelligence, and travel are coming to a standstill at the portal of a new year and changing direction. There is a message here for us.

This lunar cycle began on December 12 in Sagittarius. Guided by the Tarot card that represented this new Moon by decan (the 10 of Wands), my intention for this lunar cycle was to pay attention to the creative fires I was carrying and begin to discern what really fed my heart and what didn’t. I learned to say no. I learned to say yes. I learned to be patient in declaring my heart’s desires as the time was not ripe while both these planets were moving retrograde. Now, at the portal of a new year, these planets help us change our direction, help us know what we want. They feed us with the fruit of our journeys through this lunar cycle. What is on your harvest table?

The disseminating phase of the Moon helps us discern real food from junk. We want to harvest what feeds us and sustains us, not only for the rest of this lunar cycle, but for the next year, too. If you were to sort through the creative fires you’ve been carrying recently, what stands out as true food for your soul? What is ready to be let go because it doesn’t bring enough satisfaction?

The Moon in Leo invites us to use our energy senses. Leo is fire. Fire is energy. The ruler of Leo, the Sun, helps us know the energy of life force, the energy of creativity, and the energy of joy. Invite in that knowing as you approach the portal of this new year. Jupiter has your back. Mercury is teaching you how to wait for the ripe moment. And the Moon offers a felt sense of what feeds you.

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